Most MS treatments today come with compromises

It’s important to find the balance that’s right for you

Science has made great strides in improving MS treatments—and there are even more to come.
But, whether it’s efficacy, side effects, or how and when you take your medication, every treatment comes with a set of pros and cons.
How do you and your doctor choose?




High or lower efficacy treatments?
What’s best for you?


Side effects

What are they?
How do you manage them?



How do you take your medication, and how often?

It is possible to find a treatment that is right for you.
Even now, researchers are hard at work finding new MS medications that may make compromise a thing of the past.

Whether you're starting an MS treatment or switching to a new one, talk to your doctor about finding a treatment that fits your needs.


Learn about high efficacy treatments


Discover 3 main goals in treating MS


Find resources to help you talk about MS